About the Publication Scheme
Under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) all public authorities must have a Publication Scheme.
A Guide to the Publication Scheme [PDF, 0.6MB] is available online and at South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, CB23 6EA.
We have adopted the Information Commissioner's new Model Publication Scheme, which requires us to publish the following information:
- financial information including:
- lists and registers
- schedule of district and parish electoral arrangements
- parish register
- retention policy [PDF, 0.8MB]
- risk management strategy [PDF, 0.2MB]
- anti-theft, fraud and corruption policy [PDF, 1MB]
The information we publish won't generally include:
- information that the law stops us from sharing or is kept protected for other reasons under the law
- information that’s still being worked on (in draft)
- Information that's hard to get to because it's in files that are in storage or are hard to reach/access.
Accessing this information
The links above can be downloaded for free. A printed copy can be requested by contacting the appropriate service area within the Council. There may be a fee as per the charges section below. In exceptional circumstances, some information may be available only by viewing in person. Where this is specified, please contact the relevant service area to make an appointment.
Information will be provided in the original language, or will be translated if legally required.
Obligations under disability and discrimination legislation and any other legislation to provide information in other forms and formats will be adhered to.
The relevant information will be published and or updated as required.
Accessing unpublished information and the Freedom of Information Act
Access to unpublished information can be made by making a request in writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations.
Please read our Freedom of Information page for more information.
Printing or copying fees related to accessing unpublished information, will be carried out in a way that follows the rules under government guidance and legislation. More information about this can be found in the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Charging for Information Policy.
Fees for printing information
If you want a printed copy of the information, you’ll need to pay a fee to cover the cover cost of:
- printing
- photocopying
- postage
Detailed costs can be found in the following table:
Method of production | Format | Size | Charge |
Photocopying | Black and White | A3 | 15p per sheet |
Photocopying | Black and White | A4 | 10p per sheet |
Photocopying | Colour | A3 | 60p per sheet |
Photocopying | Colour | A4 | 50p per sheet |
Printing | Black and White | A3 | 15p per sheet |
Printing | Black and White | A4 | 10p per sheet |
Printing | Colour | A3 | 60p per sheet |
Printing | Colour | A4 | 50p per sheet |
CD burning | Digital | Standard | 30p per CD |
Printing from Microfiche/Microfilm | Black and White | A4 | 10p per frame |
Conversion to digital format | Digital | Variable | Incurred costs |
Conversion to microfiche or microfilm | Monochrome | Microfiche | Incurred costs |
Copies of some official publications are available on payment of a fixed charge or fee. For example, some publications held by Development Services. A list of these publications and charges will be published soon. You can contact the relevant service provider within the Council for more details.
Where we charge non-standard fees (as opposed to the charges set by statute), we will do so only where there is good reason for it and will make sure to:
- follow government guidance
- not to include costs like staff time to keep or find the information
- charge only for the number and size of sheets to copy (and not charge for any other factors connected to the information).
Copyright is asserted by us in respect of all of the information provided by us in the public domain. The information and any document or record in which it appears, must not be substantially reproduced except with the permission, in writing, from us, although minor extracts are reproducible without separate permission provided the source of the extract is clearly stated and our interest is acknowledged. This constraint is not intended to restrict any lawful request for information.
The supply of documents to a member of the public does not grant the right to re-use this information in a way that would infringe any copyright on those documents.
Provision of information under this publication scheme or under access legislation does not give the recipient an automatic right to re-use it, for example, to publish it, or adapt it in any way. Most information supplied in response to an access request will be protected by copyright and permission to re-use it, will be required. The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations provides a framework for obtaining this permission.