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Find your household bin collection day

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Bin search results

Please choose your address from the list below

  1. Open Google Calendar on a desktop PC, logging in with your Gmail account that is synchronised to your phone.
  2. Click the plus icon next to 'add a friends calendar'
  3. Select 'from URL', and enter the URL:
  4. Press 'add calendar'
  5. Sync your calendar on your phone
  6. If it does not sync, go into your settings, select 'accounts' and then 'google' and sync your accounts this way.
  7. If your bin schedule is still not displaying in your calendar, go to your calendar and click the 3 dots, select manage calendars and turn your bin calendar on.
  8. Your bin dates will now be showing in your calendar.
Your bin collection dates
Date Black bin Blue bin Green bin

Unfortunately we are unable to retrieve the collection dates for your property. Please email with your address, we will then work with the waste team to get your dates added to the calendar. In the meantime, you can find your collection schedule in the South Cambs magazine

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